Was Luciano Pollato von seinen Mitbewerbern unterscheidet?
complete transparency.

New, but artificially “aged” instruments are frequently offered on the market today. The wear and tear typical of an antique instrument is simulated by means of an ancient-looking varnish, scratches and other markers of age. Often just to please the eye, but not the ear.

In some cases, even professional copies can be considered art, but Luciano Pollato has never thought of going down this path; he has always deliberately chosen instruments with an exquisite sound and a harmonic beauty, which age naturally along with their owners.

A musical instrument is not just an object. The musician bonds with it on an emotional level. Pablo Casals called his cello “my oldest friend.” Each instrument has its own character, which influences the musician’s choice. Maturing together with one’s instrument, consciously leaving the signs of a time well spent together and using its sound to recall the most precious memories associated with it; all this makes a Venetian violin an authentic, living instrument. Artificial marks could never achieve this.